Antithrombotic Therapy in COVID-19- Guidelines from CHEST

As a Pulmonary APP, you live the complexities of post-COVID-19 with your patients daily. That is why APAPP wants to share the Antithrombotic Therapy in COVID-19 Guidelines from CHEST with our members. These guidelines were published in June of 2023, but still remain accurate.
Increasing evidence shows that the risk of thrombotic complications in COVID-19 is associated with a hypercoagulable state. This guideline provides recommendations for managing four arterial (pro)thrombotic medical conditions in patients with COVID-19 and assessing the risks and benefits of additional medication.
Key Recommendations:
- In hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and confirmed acute coronary syndrome (ACS), we recommend dual antiplatelet therapy to reduce the risk of recurrent ACS or death.
- In outpatients with COVID-19 receiving antiplatelet therapy for a previous stroke, we suggest against the addition of or change to oral or subcutaneous anticoagulation.
- In non-ICU hospitalized patients with COVID-19 on oral anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation (A-fib) who require discontinuation of oral anticoagulation, we suggest switching to therapeutic dose low molecular weight heparin or unfractionated heparin.
Access the full guidelines for Antithrombotic Therapy from the CHEST Journal here.
You can find key information for Pulmonary APPs regarding practice during the COVID-19 era at the CHEST COVID-19 Resource Center
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